4 thoughts on “So Many Women (black and white and color)

  1. Sad considering the stigma faced by individuals living with personality disorders. They are real diagnosable disorders and the people with them are not crazy, insane or undesirable. No one asks to be born with a mental illness and it’s really not that funny to perpetuate the stigma that people with them are unlovable/undesirable partners.

    • Hi Thomason,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my cartoon “Alice”. This cartoon is not about mental illness, but is really about dating or on-line dating specifically from Alice’s point of view. The male character is bragging and is totally clueless to Alice’s feelings. I think of this specific cartoon as being more of a comment on the lack of self awareness and communication between people that is so evident today.

      • I am not implying that the comic is about mental illness. I understand the comic, the man is bragging about all the female attention he gets, and she is implying that the women he attracts have personality disorders. Perpetuating using personality disorder as an insult is not okay and basically exemplifies the bad attitude people have towards personality disorders. Why should people with personality disorders be dragged into this? If you are frustrated with, or don’t like a person is it really okay to make yourself feel better by stating that they/or the people they date have personality disorders?

        It’s a common misconception, egregious misconception really, that personality disorder is just an insult. In reality it is a group of severe and painful mental illnesses.

        One of the more common personality disorders is borderline personality disorder. It is a difficult mental illness that is very hard for the people who have it, especially since the stigma with personality disorders is still so steep. Please take a look at this site to learn more about it and the people who suffer with it:


Alice wants to know what you are thinking?